Personalized listening
Each Tadà English tale is available in multiple versions, to set a progressive level of difficulty and allow everyone to learn at their own pace.
Storytelling is the most effective tool for learning a new language, because it uses implicit memory, the innate ability with which children learn their mother tongue: by listening to it.

Better understanding through symbols
The brain is more receptive during the years of nursery and primary school and learns a new language automatically, as happens with the mother tongue:
Why teach what children can learn effortlessly and while having fun?
Tadà’s fairy tales and games are also available in English, to ensure complete input for natural and quality exposure to the second language.
Stories are irresistible magnets for attention and interest, children feel the need to listen to them several times and are exposed to words and expressions in context, different from those used in spoken language.
Download the app and discover Tadà English stories!
Comprehension games
Lots of in-app games and activities with immediate feedback for understanding, such as Memory, True or False, and Sorting.

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Tadà is a great alternative to homework!
Along with the fairy tales, you will also find board games with characters for playful learning of English!